
Mesmerizing Goa!

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Neetu Kadyan - Mesmerizing Goa

Beaches, sand, and salty water! The love of an exotic vacation and my birthday event pulled me to spend some pleasant time at the beaches of Goa!

Goa and Goggs

Birthday Eve, 26th January this year, we embarked on our eventful journey to Goa from Pune. We booked a sleeper class bus to set off in the evening and only to wake up in the fresh cold breeze and chilled sands of Goa. Even the bus stop has that incredible feel; one comes to Goa for.

We ordered tea at the local stall and went ahead to find out booked place to stay at Baga Beach. Peas Pearl Villa was hardly 300 meters away from the Baga Beach. We had some hard time finding the place, but a localite helped us generously to reach there.

The rooms were ready, and to our surprise, the villa was way better than we had imagined. There was a cozy and comfy feel, not every hotel provides these days. We took a quick bath to get ready and headed towards the beach to have breakfast under the shacks.

It was around 10 in the morning, and I had been to the beach after ages! I wanted to grab every ounce of it. As we approached the beach, the view from some 100 meters was breathtaking and mesmerizing. I was moving ahead, but my eyes were stuck at the eternity of the sea. And, let me say that, isn’t it how beautifully sea and sky meet at that far point? As if all answers are found, and all puzzles are solved!

Waves and tides
Golden Brown Sand and Happiness

I ran into the sea to play with the waves. Every time a wave comes, and you stand in the sand just to find your feet one inch inside the sand with the wave wiping away all your worries. The waves teach a lot, the froth with every wave display the swirls the wave has gone through.

It feels just amazing to be on the beaches, golden brown sand and the sparkling sea with blue sky over the head. We had breakfast at one of the shacks at the beach! What’s the fun if you are at Goa beaches and you don’t try fresh prawns, we ordered prawns and Juices, and yes some booze. Sun was shining bright, and sand turned bright gold and hot to walk bare feet. After relaxing at the beach, we went back to the villa to grab a nap just to be relaxed for the evening beach walk and dinner by the sea.

Night Scenes of Goa

I love the sea in the night, in these three days and two nights, the best part was the sea under the gloomy sky. The eloquence of the tides at night. Booze and the cool sand, the music was just perfect. When you are in Goa, the beaches at night are full of the glitters because of the wearable neon bands and head bands.

A few friends were sitting and playing guitar, from some corner. The ambiance was made such that I wanted to stay there forever. The peace and the calming sea, where there are no limits. You can think how much you want; you can talk endlessly, you can stare into the eternity and yet feel famished.

The boat Ride for the para-ceiling

The trip came to an end so did my happiness for the reason I wanted to stay back. But yeah, it was a much-needed break and refilled my soul with new thoughts and refreshed energy.

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