By : Kunal Thakurani

Top International Destinations with Direct Flights from India

Dubai,  United Arab Emirates

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Known for its iconic skyline, shopping malls, and desert adventures, Dubai is a top destination with frequent direct flights from major Indian cities.


Singapore offers futuristic architecture, vibrant neighborhoods, and a diverse culinary scene, making it a popular destination with direct flights from India.

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Bangkok, Thailand

Famous for its bustling street markets, ornate temples, and vibrant nightlife, Bangkok is easily accessible from India with direct flights connecting major cities.

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London,  United Kingdom

Explore the historic landmarks, cultural attractions, and world-class museums of London, with direct flights available from Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai.

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New York City,  United States

Experience the iconic sights, Broadway shows, and diverse neighborhoods of New York City, with direct flights from Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai.

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Colombo, Sri Lanka

Explore the rich history, scenic landscapes, and pristine beaches of Colombo, Sri Lanka's capital city, with direct flights from Indian cities.

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Paris, France

Immerse yourself in the romantic charm of Paris, with its iconic landmarks, world-class museums, and gourmet cuisine, accessible with direct flights from Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai.

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Hong Kong

Experience the vibrant culture, dazzling skyline, and culinary delights of Hong Kong, with direct flights available from major Indian cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru.

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